中時電子報  2009/02/28 03:06   ◎文/Lily章

原來學英文也要搭配!搭配記憶這是一般學英語的人的最大罩門。搭配英文叫做collocation,co是一起,location是位置,加起來,簡單來說,就是擺在一起,有些字天生就是和另外一些字擺在一起的,中文也是這樣,例如我們說一匹馬,不說一匹人;高談闊論,不說高講闊論。這就是「搭配詞」! 搭配詞用得好會讓語言道地與流暢。我們講中文不會有問題,但當使用英文時,就常會「搭錯」詞。像中文的「開支票」,但在英文卻不是open a check,而是write a check!又如中文的「濃茶」,英文不是thick tea,而是strong tea。不必問為什麼,即便是中文,不是語言學家也說不出個所以然,這種約定成俗的表達,在上下文關係(context)裡學,速度最快。


 (一) 動詞+介系詞:

 動詞與介系詞的搭配最複雜,因為動詞後面用不同介系詞,意思就不同。有時中文看來不必加介系詞,像「恭喜你升官了」說成 I congratulate your promotion. 中文看起來很合理,但錯就錯在介系詞。介系詞是大部份人最頭痛的錯(X)。

●「恭喜你成功了」要說成 I congratulate you on(X:for)your promotion.;

 ●「提醒他某事」remind him of something (of經常被忽略掉);

 ●「被控告貪污」be accused of(X:for)corruption;

 ●「提供你某些資訊」provide you for/with some information (for和with常被忽略)。

 (二) 名詞+介系詞:

 介系詞為什麼那麼令人頭痛,因為無法可循。例如「一張美金500元的支票」要說a check for US$500,這個 for 很多學生會受中文思維的影響,而X用 with 或 of。其他像 meeting 前該用什麼介系詞,level 前用 on 或 at, hospital前要用什麼介系詞等等,都是很容易出錯的。此類誤用的介系詞頗多,不勝枚舉。

 ●「500元的支票」a check for(X:of)$500;

 ●「問題的答案」key to (X:of)the answer;

 ●「UK是United Kingdom的縮寫」UK is an abbreviation for(X:of)United Kingdom;

 ●「對社會冷漠」apathy toward(s)(X:for)society

 (三) 動詞+名詞:


 ●「開燈」put on / turn on / switch on(X:open)the light;

 ●「關燈」put off / turn off / switch off(X:close) the light;

 ●「洗衣服」do laundry(X:wash);

●「接電話」answer(X:receive)the phone;

 ●「開支票」make out / write (out)(X:open)a check;

 ●「舉例」cite /give / provide(X:raise)an example;

 ●「提出辭呈」hand in / submit /tender(X:raise) one's resignation;

 ●「度過難關」get over / overcome / tide over(X:cross) one,s difficulties;

 ●「提出申請」file / make / send in / submit(X:raise) an application;

 ●「犯錯」 make(X:do) a mistake;

 ●「打太極拳」do(X:play) Taichi;

 ●「養成好習慣」cultivate / develop / form / foster a good habit;

 ●「革除壞習慣」break / break off /drop / shake off a bad habit;

 ●「解渴」quench one,s thirst;

 ●「旁聽一門課」 audit / sit in on a course;

 ●「畫妝」wear make-up。

 (四) 形容詞+名詞:


 ●「交通擁擠」busy / congested / heavy(X:crowded)traffic;

 ●「濃茶」strong(X:thick / mighty)tea;

 ●「淡茶」weak(X:thin / feeble)tea;


 ●「空頭支票」a bad / rubber(X:empty)check;

 ●「紀錄片」a documentary(X:record)film等。

 Collocation exercise


 1. Right collocates of pay

 a. pay a visit   b. pay lip service       c. pay a compliment   
d. pay attention    e. pay an offer    f. pay a price

2. Right collocates of give

 a. give a boost  b. give voice    c. give an impression      
d. give the risk       e. give credibility    f. give evidence

 3. Right collocates of fall (prepositions + nouns)

 a. fall in love   b. fall to drink        c. fall for someone   
d. fall from grace      e. fall in profits  f. fall into place

 4. Right collocates of fall

 a. fall apart    b. fall foul      c. fall victim 
d. fall asleep     e. fall prey       f. fall accident

 5. Right collocates of turn (nouns)

 a. turn a blind eye         b. turn a profit     c. turn a deaf ear   d. turn justice

 e. turn the tide    f. turn the tables

 6. Right collocates of get (past participles with passive meaning)

 a. get won  b. get drunk           c. get lost  d. get involved

 e. get beaten    f. get infected

7. Right collocates of get (uncountable nouns)

a. get attention   b. get place              c. get information   
d. get help         e. get enjoyment    f. get preference

 8. Right collocates of get (adjectives / adverbs)

 a. get ready   b. get sick             c. get ratty 
d. get old           e. get apart

 9. Right collocates of come

 a. come bad    b. come amiss      c. come here 
d. come good         e. come of age     f. come right

 10. Right collocates of go (adverbs / adjectives)

 a. go far     b. go there           c. go wrong    d. go good
 e. go ahead      f. go astray

 11. Right collocates of go

 a. go bankrupt            b. go cap in hand             c. go crazy     
d. go hungry             e. go sane                f. go your own way

 12. Right collocates of pass (nouns)

 a. pass an exam           b. pass the ball      c. pass the time 
 d. pass judgment          e. pass a law              f. pass a decision





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